Tactical Nuclear Penguin from BrewDog on Vimeo.
I'm not sure I would drink this but I like the idea of living in a world where someone is making it
Tactical Nuclear Penguin from BrewDog on Vimeo.
I'm not sure I would drink this but I like the idea of living in a world where someone is making it
Then I realised: normally this little vicolo is crammed with cars and scooters, parked both sides, making it difficult sometimes even to walk down. All were parked illegally but no one seemed to care.
Now the new mayor, Gianni Alemanno, has done us residents of the historic centre a little bit of good. Everyone was warned and told that after a certain date they would be fined if they parked there. Slowly the streets are becoming pedestrianised - casual traffic including scooters are being sent round another way - and walking in Rome has become a delight. A shame that it took a former fascist to achieve this but well done him.
PS. In return, Gianni, let me give you a little tip. If you are trying to play down your fascist roots, don't be photographed looking stern and authoritarian outside the Colosseum. Handing out toys to children is the image for you.