01 December, 2009

Scotland: the final solution

I don’t know if Mr Alex Salmond, the leader of the Scottish National Party and First Minister of Scotland, has ever been seen in the same room as Shrek, but I think the matter should be brought out into the open. Shrekmond has caused some confusion in Scotland by publishing a draft bill for a referendum on the independence of Scotland, leaving the opposition parties to fill in the terms of the question put to the electorate and even the proposed voting system. The opposition parties are against the referendum (and against Scottish independence) and so the thing is likely to go nowhere.

It makes an interesting comparison with Italy, where it is the richer part of the country (the industrialised north) which wants independence from the poorer part.

My advice to the SNP is to start campaigning in England. In these straightened times it would be attractive to the English voter not to have to pay massive subsidies to people who won’t even accept the same laws or health provisions as them and who scarcely make one feel welcome north of the border. In those comfortable southern seats which alternate between Conservative and Liberal a movement could be born.
Avanti, Mr...er...

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