23 January, 2010


I can scarcely believe I am writing this. The American Justice Department has said that out of 192 inmates of Guantanamo Bay, which President Obama has promised to close, 110 could be released, 35 could stand trial but the remaining 47 of the prisoners should be detained indefinitely without trial. The Justice Department admitted that there was not enough evidence against them to stand up in court, but said they were too dangerous to release.

Well, if they weren't dangerous before (and it seems that the majority of the detainees were not), they have every right to be now.

As I say, I can scarcely believe I am writing this. Obama must stand up immediately and declare this is not an option. America must retain the moral high ground when fighting other peoples and detaining people without trial on the say-so of a civil servant is the moral gutter.

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