23 May, 2010

The cops vs. The people

Bedfordshire Police’s new speed camera van. They bought a normal speed camera van (whatever that is) and converted it at a cost of £28,000 so that it has cameras at the front, the rear and at the sides. It can detect a speeding motorist at a range of half a mile.

For me this is exactly why we want elected chief constables. Politicians boast about how much of our money they are spending on the police, or about how many policemen there are, but never about what those police are doing.

What most people want is to feel safe in their homes, to be able to walk to the shops or the bus stop without fear of attack, for their children not to be offered drugs at the school gate.

The Police don’t seem to be in tune with this at all, or if they are, don’t seem to care what we want. They like film cameras, fast cars and helicopters. And I am quite certain they enjoy their relentless battle against the British Motorist.

Unless this is something else that Cameron has given up because Nick Clegg didn’t like it, the game may soon be up. Sooner the better.

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