15 December, 2007

Italian News (7)

No Italians will be surprised at the results of a poll, among 10,000 women of 50 different
nationalities, that they are the world’s best lovers. British men (11th) were ‘not in very good shape’, the Greeks ‘smelly’, Germans (last) ''too self-centered’ and the Scots ‘too noisy’.

The national truck strike is now over. The whole country experienced shortages of petrol, ice cream and noise.

In Venice, fines will be imposed on funerals which run more than 15 minutes late.

The State journalism exam (!!) will henceforth not insist on manual typewriters but permit laptops. The historic change appears to have been influenced by the shortage of the old machines.

According to Istat, lunch is the main meal of the day for nearly 70% of Italians, and nearly three quarters (84% in the south) eat it at home. 87% eat pasta or rice at least once a day, and 85% fruit and vegetables at least once a day. 28% of males and 16% of females smoke.

Singapore Airlines has made a last minute bid for Alitalia. The airline says it knows nothing about late arrivals, strikes and losing customers’ luggage and is eager to learn.

Comedian Beppe Grillo presented to parliament a petition with 350,000 signatures. The proposed law would ban from office anyone with a conviction. Around 10% of Italian MPs have been convicted of an imprisonable offence.

Mr Prodi denied reports in the New York Times that Italy was a depressed nation and President Napolitano said this was a ‘one-sided view’.

This year’s life-size crib at the Vatican will not show the Nativity in a stable but in Joseph’s house with a pub next to it. There are unconfirmed reports that the wise men will be Messrs Prodi and Napolitano. A spokesman said the perceived 33% cutback in wise men was ‘a one-sided view’.

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