01 February, 2010

He doesn't deserve this

David Cameron, leader of the UK’s Conservative Party, seems to have lost the plot. He said we should have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, then said that if it were passed without a referendum he would ‘not let matters rest’ (‘I will do such things – what they are yet I know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth’). Then he admitted he would do nothing.

Recently he has made a bit of a name for himself saying that there must be immediate cuts to reduce the deficit. Then, at Davos the other day, he said that there didn’t have to be massive tax cuts.....

Cameron seems to be inviting the electorate to replace one indecisive ditherer with another. He looks such a prat – wait until you hear Gordon Brown grind him into the dust for the third week running on Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday – that I fear there is no hope.

But he doesn’t deserve this. Peter Mandelson has been comparing him to Des O’Connor.

This is an unacceptable level of slander, and Mandelson must apologise or Cameron must consult his lawyers.

I said the election was hotting up but I hadn’t realised it had got this bad.

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