19 April, 2010

Marxism's last redoubt

Last weekend also saw the 30th anniversary of the coming to power of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

This country, formerly (Southern) Rhodesia, had been a major exporter of food. It is now bankrupt and the people starving, hyperinflation devastating the economy.

The Marxist Mugabe came to power with an army trained and financed by North Korea. Even recently a ship was detained carrying weapons sold or donated by China for him.

After the Lancaster House Agreement in 1979, Mrs Thatcher, new to power, had been assured by the Foreign Office that the country would be ruled by Joshua Nkomo or Bishop Muzorewa. It is said that her reaction after Mugabe won made an Icelandic volcano look like a mild stomach upset and that she never trusted the Foreign Office again.

Quite right, in my view.

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