14 December, 2010

Silvio survives!

There were three votes in it. Three heavily pregnant women turned up for the vote, one woman caused a fight in parliament when she changed her mind. But in the end Silvio won, and how he won will soon be forgotten.

We have a friend who is an academic and of the right. He had two interesting statements, some time long before the vote. The first was that the reason Fini rebelled and set out his own party was not from any serious conviction (no one here thinks politicians are capable of that) but a fear that he might be usurped as heir apparent to Berlusconi by the increasing popularity of Giuliano Tremonti, the Finance Minister. It is interesting that in left wing Italy the finance minister who makes the cuts should be dangerously popular.

The second thing our friend said said was that it would come to a vote and Fini would be polverizzato.

If three votes haven't completely pulverised Gianfranco Fini his position at the forefront of Italian politics now looks very difficult and his position as Speaker of the House all but untenable.

In England the disappointment was dripping from the lips of the BBC announcers and commentators who cannot understand Italian politics. In fact Berlusconi is still quite popular - more so than any front line British or American politician - despite the student riots and the bleating of the soft left.

The way to beat Berlusconi has been mentioned several times in this blog: promise him he can become President. The way for Berlusconi to win has also been mentioned a number of times: do something for the Italian people.

Perhaps after this Silvio, his supporters and his adversaries will all come to their senses.

But it has been fun, not least hearing the incredulous disappointment of the British commentariat.

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