21 January, 2011

How the other half live

The Opposition finance spokesman, or Shadow Chancellor, Alan Johnson, has resigned. Half the media seems to think it is because he was having an affair with a civil servant, whilst the other half think it is because his wife is having an affair with his bodyguard. Perhaps both are true.

So, where was the bodyguard when....no, let's not go there.

Mr Johnson is 60, and, one would have thought, extremely busy. He does not appear to have resigned out of shame about his marriage, but because he found it difficult worrying about the press. I don't really know whether these people should be setting an example to the nation or not. I rather think that sort of thing went out of the window some years ago, except when talking about Silvio Berlusconi.

Anyway, details of Mr Johnson's private life have been leaked to one of the Sunday papers by an assistant to Ed Balls, Mr Johnson's replacement. Happy days.

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