22 April, 2012


The Bahrain Grand Prix takes place today, or at least it will unless the police lose a running battle with the protesters, and this is unlikely: the Bahraini government has Saudi support, British weaponry and a former British police chief to guide them.

Of course it would be nice if Bernie Ecclestone and the Formula 1 team bosses stood up and said they don't like what is going on and that the ruling family are shits, but this isn't going to happen. More than any other sport, F1 is a business, and businessmen don't bite the hand that feeds them.

I am sympathetic to the protesters and to their worldwide support but I would like to know one thing: why was there none of this international protest when the race was held in China last week? Can anybody point to something the Bahrainis have done which the Chinese haven't?

Let's bear it all in mind.

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