10 January, 2010

Climate (all) change

The Daily Mail is saying that we are in for 20-30 years of global cooling, a new mini ice age and the cause is water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. I mentioned something about this a while back (if it is the same thing) called Pacific Decadal Oscillation or some such claptrap.

I am a sceptic and I don’t believe this new stuff any more, or less, than I believe the old stuff about the climate getting warmer because of something I’ve done. I have a feeling it might be better if all the climate scientists got together and admitted they didn’t have a clue even about what it will be like tomorrow, much less in 50 years, perhaps blaming the strange weather on some metaphysical influence like God, or Margaret Thatcher. For all I know it’s caused by Des O’Connor and he should have been put down.

No, what I was thinking about as I read this was what a bunch of pillocks so many people are going to look if it turns out the anthropogenic global warming shtik is a complete nonsense. David Cameron, Ed Milliband, the entire Liberal Party, Prince Charles, Al Gore, the whole German nation. What are we going to do with them?

Public vilification is the answer. We know what they have said and written because it is all stored on the world’s computers and we need to subject them to a digital version of the stocks, where they can be jeered and abused 24 hours a day for everyone’s amusement.

I’m looking forward to it. Bring on the snow!

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