29 January, 2010

Silvio and the mafia

On 3rd January the courthouse in Reggio, Calabria, was firebombed. No one is in any doubt that this was the work of the n'drangheta, the Calabrian mafia, telling the government to back off. A week ago, a car containing explosives was found a few hundred metres from the route taken by the President, Giorgio Napolitano, to the airport after a visit to the city. On Monday a prosecuting magistrate investigating the n'drangheta received a bullet through the post.

On Thursday Silvio Berlusconi, himself recently attacked in public, held a cabinet meeting in Reggio and unveiled a new plan against the n'drangheta, the Camorra in Naples and the Sicilian mafia. The plan includes stringent procedures for asset confiscation.

It would be nice if just some of the press could recognise (a) that Berlusconi has balls, which can scarcely be said of 99% of European politicians and (b) that more has been done by this government against organised crime than any before it. Papers in England and Germany in particular are still putting out sly little insinuations that Berlusconi has connections to organised crime. Funny way of saying thank you.

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