25 January, 2010

Police Roads Terror

Details have emerged of the terror campaign conducted by British Police on Britain’s roads during the Christmas period.

223,423 people were stopped in December while going about their lawful business and made to take a breathalyser test. Only 7,638 were over the limit. That’s about one in thirty.

That this is an enormous waste of police time is self-evident: in no other field would such an enormous effort with such low results be tolerated. What is less often mentioned is the erosion of civil liberties. The laughably low success rate means that there can have been no suspicion of criminality – police were just randomly stopping anyone they felt like stopping.

Even the incidence of being over the limit when there had been a collision was only 7%, which means that for every fourteen road accidents, thirteen were caused by something other than alcohol. What?

Where I used to live, near Shaftesbury, the major problem was not drunks but old people. They had poor eyesight and were often unable to control their vehicle. But the police weren’t stopping them and subjecting them to carbon dating tests. No, this is purely and simply a caving in to the ghastly busybodies who want us all to behave in an approved manner.

An example of what we have to contend with is Sarah Fatica, from the road safety charity Brake (funded by your taxes), who bemoans the fact that Britain only stops 1% of its drivers annually. ‘As a country we’re still lagging behind other world leaders’ and you can almost hear the swivel-eyed loony licking her lips as she mentions that in New Zealand they test 50% of drivers ‘they block off whole sections of road and test everyone who comes through’.

Ms Fatica needs help so that she can look objectively at herself and at what she is doing, so she can see how her brand of do-good fascism is ruining the country. What she doesn’t need is to be taken seriously or given taxpayers’ money.

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