27 July, 2012

In the wrong order

In Britain a plumber has been jailed for 12 months for taking money in cash and not paying tax on it.

You may remember a rather silly remark recently from a Treasury minister called Gauke to the effect that paying plumbers in cash was immoral. Of course it was nonsense -  you are quite entitled to expect that the plumber pays his tax - but a criminal offence occurs when he doesn't pay the Revenue what it is due. The Revenue have taken the unusual step of publishing the guy's photo on line.

All right and proper. It's just that I can't help feeling it would have been better optically to have prosecuted a couple of rich people first, then got on to the poor ones.

1 comment:


OUTRAGEOUS even in The Colonies! SO MUCH SO, that I bad posted a "Comment" to the story - when it first appeared in "The DAILY TELEGRAPH"!