24 April, 2008

Star Wars

According to reports, Barney Jones and his cousin Michael have set up on the island of Anglesey a Jedi Church, worshipping the characters in the Star Wars films, with a congregation of 30.

While practising with their light sabres, presumably a religious ritual, in the garden of their home, one Arwel Wynne Hughes, 27, from Holyhead, dressed in a black bin bag and shouting ‘Darth Vader’ jumped over the garden wall and attacked them, interestingly with a crutch, hitting one over the head and causing a headache and the other on the thigh, causing a bruise. He has been charged with assault, and has said he was drunk at the time.

It is a thing I should have been pleased to do have done sober. This blog does not condone crime, oh no, but I can’t help hoping we see rather more of Mr Hughes in the future, and rather less of the Jones cousins.

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