04 April, 2011

Cometh the hour...

"Have you heard the latest survey? It seems that they asked girls between the ages of 23 and 30 whether they would sleep with Berlusconi. 30% said yes, the other 70% said 'again?'"

There is an old saying in the British Army that a joke is only as funny as the rank of the teller is exalted, but this was told by the great man himself, to a pack of adoring reporters (they may not agree with his politics but they won't deny he's good copy).

Berlusconi seems more relaxed, possibly as a result of his new policy of attending court, confronting his accusers head-on. My guess, though, is that this is not just a political manoeuvre: this is a change from denouncing an attack on his party, the PdL, to a defence of Berlusconi the individual. He must realise now that he cannot stand again as Prime Minister without pulling the rug from under the Centre-Right. Cannot stand, that is, as long as there is a credible figure from the Centre Right to replace him. Hitherto there has not been.

But there may be now. He's aristocratic, good  looking, articulate, well connected and has an impeccable record in industry. He is the former Chairman of FIAT and former President of Confindustria, the employers' federation. He is current Chairman of Ferrari, which is a job most men wouldn't mind having, and his cousin is a cardinal. Step forward Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, who is considering forming his own party.

Some commentators will be thinking this may be the answer to the great question of Italian politics: what comes after Berlusconi?

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