11 April, 2011

The gravy train

Euro MPs have voted down three proposals which would have reduced the cost of the European Parliament to the hard pressed European taxpayer. The first was that for flights of less than four hours they should fly economy class, a measure taken some time ago by business. Indeed many businesses insist on executives flying by a budget airline. The irony is that most MEPs fly budget airlines, but of course claim the expenses of British Airways or Lufthansa.

The second proposal was that there should be a freeze on MEPs’ pay and allowances in 2012. No, they didn’t like that.

The third was that they should cease claiming for being in the parliament and travelling to or from it at the same time. Who could possibly find fault with that?

Each MEP costs around €500,000 a year in salaries and allowances.

Don’t be surprised at this. These people feather their own nests and don’t see anything wrong with using our money to do so. They see themselves, the political elite, as being different to you and me.

The question to ask is how we allowed ourselves to be duped into joining this.

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