16 July, 2010

The Catholic Church and its sins

This blog delivers its annual Urbi et Orbi message on the Feast of All Fools, rather than Easter and Christmas, and this year, amongst other things (suffocating the Pope while he is sleeping) I recommended the Roman Catholic Church employ a really top PR consultant.

Here is what happens through not taking my advice.

The Church updates its Canon Law, publishing a list of the most heinous offences a priest can commit. It lumps together sacramental offences, such as desecration, with moral offences. So what do the press latch on to? that being involved in a ceremony for the ordination of a woman is on the same level as child abuse. I watched the sneering women on the BBC enjoying every moment.

Of course nobody has actually said this, and the Canon Law doesn’t apply to you and me, it is for priests, bishops and deacons.

But the press didn’t mention that.

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