09 May, 2011


Today is Europe Day, known in some places as Schumann Day.

Both concepts are bogus: Europe is not a country, even though our unelected masters seem to think it is. Schumann was not the architect of the European undemocratic, bureaucratic nightmare which we see today; that was Jean Monnet, civil servant and former cognac manufacturer.

In a welcome development,10 Downing St has refused to fly the European flag (shown here)

I don't quite know what we are supposed to do on Europe Day - there has been no suggestion of street parties, even though the locals where I am will celebrate almost anything.

Perhaps it is a day for reflection. So reflect on this: Britain pays fantastic sums into the EU each year - this year it will be €13.7 billion and only gets a little back (€8.3 billion). But even so that should not be deducted to give a net cost: we can only apply the €8.3 billion where our European masters say we can (not, for example, to reducing the national debt).

This has been a very, very expensive exercise which has merely saddled us with more regulation and less democracy. There has never been a better time for leaving.

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