30 May, 2011

FIFA: if not me then who?

I made a mistake in my last post: the World Cup which England were expecting to host (2018) in fact went to Russia (more likely to be 50C below freezing). It is the 2022 World cup which has been awarded to Qatar, by which date the entire country will be airconditioned. Such a mistake only reinforces my candidacy, showing, as it does, that I am beyond the petty detail; more a man of principal.

Now Mr bin Hammam (his name as far as I know means 'of the Turkish bath'), together with Jack Warner, has been suspended, leaving the incumbent, Sepp Blatter, as the only candidate. I should just like to point out to the media that the word 'election' stems from the Latin for 'to choose' and if there is only one candidate it is not an election. For this we use the word 'appointment' or 'coronation'.

The reason I want to stick my small oar in is that this is extremely important to a great many people, and they don't deserve to be be let down by petty politicking and financial venality. I have no specific allegation to make, but I think it would surprise no one if they were all on the take. That's how it is with the Olympics.

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