01 May, 2011

Vox Pop

As I write, the procedure for the beatification of John Paul II is beginning in St Peter's.

Quite a lot of people seem to be against this, on the grounds that he was a conservative Pope, with all the implications for abortion, contraception and female priesthood that implies, and because of the great paedophilia scandals in the Church during his time.

I think this is a mistake: he is being beatified not for his papacy but for the holiness of his life. In this procedure, three 'voices' are heard and synthesised: vox dei, the voice of God, vox ecclesiae, the voice of the church and vox populi, the voice of the people, sometimes called the sensus fidelium, the consensus of the faithful. This last is particularly strong. Homes and offices have his image on the wall: the faithful want John Paul II to become a saint.

And he will.

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