Greece, yes. Portugal, yes. Ireland, yes. Spain has already had help for its banks and seems likely this weekend to apply for a full bailout and Cyprus has applied for assistance. Now Der Spiegel reports that Slovenia is next on the list (for information it is a country tacked on to the North East of Italy).
That's six countries out of seventeen.
TIM = Has the 'blame game' begun yet? Or are we still in the early counting of some 'walking wounded' en route to triage? ** What has been most appreciated is your reporting of a German newspaper. ** Anything from "The Economist"? -or- "The Financial Times" - my home delivery subscription [to the latter] had lapsed a few weeks ago. -30-
NITING DATE of his posting = Mrs. Merkel herself was greeted this past week in Ottawa by its PM.
Was this a Head of State visit? or for another diplomatic purpose?
The Canadian Prime Minister has been sending some very high-level diplomatic representaton into and about Damascus & Allepa, Syria too!
See prior post, please
Actally neither Merkel nor the Canadian PM are heads of state. I expect she wanted to borrow some money.
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